Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vacation is only a few days away.....

We leave Sunday or Monday for our family road trip to see my family in Alabama and then on to Florida for our Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort getaway.....then driving over to the Hampton Inn and Suites in Orange Beach, Alabama.  After we are completely beached-out (is that truly possible?)  we are going to my aunt's for a few days where I will stay with the kiddos (B is flying out for home the 16th, somebody's gotta work) while T goes to the Auburn Soccer Camp. Stoked! 
The big kids are at Camp Woodmen right now, we pick them up tomorrow morning, so G has been an only child this week.  He has loved it....and he has missed his brother and sister.  I had him put some of T's clothes on his  bed last night after folding them and G came in with his head hung low and said, "Seeing his clothes makes me miss him!" So sweet. Especially since tomorrow on the way home I'm sure they will back to fighting again.

I am truly a procrastinator.  I should be packing right now or even cleaning the house some more, because a clean house is what everyone should come home to...but I'm not.  I'm stalling.
While stalling, I decided to ask G what his thoughts were on what we should pack and what we should do while we're gone.  Here is a 5 year old's take on things....

Quit cracking jokes, I'm not an artist and I realize that my box of crayons looks like french fries and my shark looks like a barracuda.
He did pretty good....except for the whole diving with sharks idea. He also wants to bring along Leni, our dog, but no can do.  12 hour road trip each way, 2 stays on the beach and family hospitality...I'd rather not overstay my welcome with my spoiled Dachshund.  Luckily, my sister in law and mother in law love her too, so they will be dogsitting and of course feeding our old lady, Daphne who won't care that we're gone anyway.  (You might remember Daphne, the bird hunter

So, I told y'all about our trip to the water park the other day and I even mentioned my lopsided tan lines (just a few times via Twitter...).  B took this picture when we got home....the picture just doesn't do it justice.  Have you ever had something look so bad that you had to show it off?  Like a badge of stupidity? Yep.

I totally spaced out and have been forgetting about the Photo a Day challenge.  I would love to say that I'll participate in the July challenge while we're on vacation but let's be honest here.  I might do a few while I'm gone.

Today's challenge...the bathroom. 

shower curtain love
Everyone enjoy your Wednesday....I'm off to bathe the mutts so I can have a little less guilt about leaving them behind. 

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that you mention the drawings because I actually thought they were good! I'm at about a kindergarten drawing level. Although...your crayons did look a little like french fries. But it was all still delightful! I'm getting more and more irritated as I write this that I'm not more talented in the drawing department. Boo...


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