Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oh, the lives we lead...Day 14 and 15

Why is it that when B works nights everything gets 10 times busier?  I have had to call in the troops (i.e. my in laws) for reinforcements many times in the past few weeks to help.  This is when I am happy we all live nearby, what would I do if we moved to a different state?  I guess I would deal, like my mom did all the years that she lived away from her parents and in laws and my dad worked out of town.  Although, I have hoped and prayed for a change from Texas....not to get away from anyone but just to experience some place new and have the kids have that experience as well.  Doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon, and thank goodness, because I am not sure where I would've been these past few weeks without the help. 
T's basketball schedule should be winding down now, finishing up in a few weeks...taking away the stress with it.  I have to say though, last game there were some BIG improvements in team work.  It made a much easier ride home, that's for sure.  When they feel like they've been able to play and show who they are on the court and enjoy themselves, it improves their attitude by leaps and bounds. 
G's Tae Kwon Do has been so fun to watch, and I will have to call in help again tomorrow to get him to class while I am at T's game.  Things are much easier when B is here and we can tag team parent like the pros we are.  He hates missing everything too....and I know the kids are really missing seeing him at regular times of the day, like bedtime. 
Luckily, R is not involved in anything right now....but Spring soccer is upon us, so this might change.
This weekend has gone by in a stinkin' fast, I wish we had one more day.  I think I say this every Sunday.  B is off tonight before heading back in Monday so we will be enjoying having some normalcy this evening....together. 
Yesterday after T's basketball game, my friend Michelle, her son and T went all around town and took on Ellen's Dance Dare.  Hilarious stuff!!  The boys had a blast and they all turned out great.  I really do hope that it makes it on the Ellen show, although I know it is a long shot.  But, feel free to check out all the videos and share away because they need all the love they can get. 
Check out michellekingfamily channel on YouTube!  All 7 videos are hilarious.
Since we have had such a busy weekend, I think the kiddos are a little burned out....which leads to the always exciting sibling fights in the front yard!  Needless to say, they were both sent to their rooms to clean for hours and seem to be in better moods all around.  R is finally released and able to go ride on her scooter and T was playing with G.  Love it. 
Obviously, I am behind on my Project 365...again.....

Day 14:

G was home sick we made brownies!
Day 15:

Are you happy, Mom?  I'm playing with my brother....


Thanks so much for stopping by!

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