Friday, June 10, 2011

5 Question Friday and a whole lotta hullabaloo....

So, it's already Friday.  As a stay at home mom during the summer honestly the days all run together.  I realize it's a weekend when B is in bed when I wake up one morning.  It is H-O-T in to be expected.  I'm used to it which is why when at T's soccer scrimmage yesterday evening I was extremely comfortable under a shade tree and didn't have one drop of sweat.  You become accustomed to the heat....and to the humidity.  I've lived here since I was 6 so when you think think HOT, so hot you might feel like your face is melting off and your thighs could be permanently stuck together (mine pretty much are already). 
Had a fabulous dinner out with the girls last night at a quaint little Italian restaurant.  Had 1 Bellini and that was plenty, could already feel my ears turning an unflattering shade of red.  Enjoyed stuffing my face and having girl talk immensely.  We are an extremely close group, we meet weekly for a "book club/Bible study" and share probably way more than we need to.  Love my ladies!!  One of my friends is leaving in 7 short days to Cambodia.  This trip is not the first and will not be the last.  I have to tell you that I am so wishing I could go!!  Maybe when G gets a bit older.  Until then, I totally live vicariously through her.  You should really check out her Facebook page, Compassion is Cool.  They started it last summer, when she and her whole family (including her 3 kiddos) headed to Phnom Phen for 5 weeks.  While there, she started a clothing line by the same name, Compassion is Cool.  100% of the profits go back to Cambodia and to help people in need.  There's been some wonderful things happening with this line and you will know about it, believe me.  If you want to follow their journey while in Cambodia, you do I promise, head to Compassion 4 Facebook page, this is the official charity that is the father of the clothing line.

My friend, Jenn and her youngest, last summer.  My Youth Group did a book drive and all the kiddos at the orphanage loved it!

Now on to 5QF!  If you're not familiar with 5 Question Friday, you link up with My Little Life and copy and paste the questions into your post. 

1. How close to your childhood dreams is your life now?

I always knew I wanted to be a mom.  I played dolls all the time and didn't stop until Junior High when I realized no one else was. :)  I did think I would have a career.  Of course, that career was a marine biologist or a fashion designer.  Big goals, big dreams.  My career was a little off base but I am a mom and I am happy to be one!

2. What is one must have item for the summer?

Sunscreen!!!  My parents have had many things removed already and I do not want to be in their place later on.  Plus, I'm a big weenie when it comes to pain or sunscreen it is!  Aveeno Mineral Block for the face and Water Babies for the body.  SPF 50

3. Do you have your kids stay up on school stuff during summer vacation? (Or, if you don't have kiddos, did your parents make you keep up on school stuff during summer?)

Summer is summer.  We might have learning experiences along the way but we're not doing tutoring or anything.  I guess if they were behind in school we would but they're not so...whew.

4. Do you can or freeze fresh produce?

I am not that good at being a Susie Homemaker.  I do not can, scrapbook, meal plan, have a garden, or sew. 

5. Do you get ready for the day first thing in the morning?

I am in my PJ's now and it's 10:28am.  So, no.  I do not.  Unless I'm going somewhere, I try not to get dressed until around 11:30.  Slacker?  Probably.  Am I okay with it? Definitely.  I even take the kids to school in my pajamas, going through the car rider line with no shame.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, I am so with you on number 5! I have taken my oldest to school while still in my pj's more times than I can count! I also let summer be summer, we might do something educational and fun, but I let her have her summer :) Have a great weekend!


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