Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's EcoParty Time! {Review of Piggy Paint}

If you have never heard of EcoParty Time than you are really missing out.  When I first heard of EcoParty Time I assumed it would be everything for Birthday parties and that's about it but I was so wrong.  They have so much more than that! 
Yes, they have the biodegradable plates and silverware and the beeswax candles but they also have amazing favors and decorations for a gorgeous Summer wedding

Bird's Nest Ring Pillow
Look at this sweet as can be nest for the rings!

Bucket of Love Plantable Wedding Favors - 100 Piece
This Bucket of Love contains plantable wedding favors!  Who wouldn't want wildflowers for a favor?
Not planning a wedding this summer?  How about some fun with the kids?  EcoParty Time has really creative ideas that are extremely Eco friendly. 
Eco Dough is such a cool product!  Non toxic and handmade with THE coolest things....this isn't your everyday homemade clay...this has organic rosemary oil, soybean oil, natural and organic fruit and so much more. 

Eco Dough
This would even look pretty stacked in your craft area!
Eco Paint has some of the most vivid colors I've seen in kid friendly paints.  Bright and happy colors that are non toxic and made from all natural ingredients....wheat paste, vegetable extract....this stuff is so cool. 

Eco Paint
Told you they were vivid!
For this review I was stoked to be able to review Piggy Paint.  I have read so much about Piggy Paint and having a 9 year old who just happens to love anything to do with nails, hair or makeup I knew this would be fun for us.  EcoParty Time has an amazing assortment of Piggy Paint and I absolutely love that they have plenty of little gift sets to choose from.  Any girl of any age would be happy with these polishes. 
The moms of these little girls will be even happier knowing that their daughters are painting their precious little nails with something as "Natural as Mud" the Piggy Paint motto goes.  Non toxic, hypoallergenic, and in the sweetest colors.  No smells that come wafting from your nail polishes....this stuff is completely smell free. 

LOL Nail Polish
LOL Piggy Paint

Toe-Tally Fancy Gift Set
Toe-Tally Fancy Gift Set

Little Chick Gift Set
Little Chick Gift Set

Cupcake Cutie Gift Set
Cupcake Cutie Gift Set
We reviewed the Birthday Bash Gift Set......R immediately loved the "fancy" packaging and the colors of the nail polish.  In the Birthday Bash set you get 3 vibrant polishes; Forever Fancy, Sea-quin and Girls Rule!  

Birthday Bash Gift Set
Birthday Bash!
R had a great time picking which colors she was going for....and here's what she chose.
I believe Julia would approve...

We decided they needed pink polka dots

Now, her nails match her hair.  She just snagged these super cool feather extensions today.

Cool, right?!
The polish went on smooth and flawless.  She loved the colors and how they looked just as bright on her nails as in the bottle.  It did take a super long time to dry but it tells you right on the directions for maximum chip resistance to blow dry for 1-2 minutes.  We did that and it seemed to work.  Love the colors.  Love the Piggy Paint.  Love EcoParty Time and all of the choices they have for every event in your life that you want to keep as green as possible.   Visit EcoParty Time and you will be more than satisfied with the array of items available.  The also have a Facebook page so check it out!  They even have Fan Roundups....giveaways! 

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