Friday, April 22, 2011

A Good Friday Earth Day

I am what can be considered a "green" mom blogger....yet I am a Christian first and foremost so when Earth Day happens to land on Good Friday there is no question which one holds more importance. 
Today, I am thankful for what Jesus did for me.  He was beaten, taunted, whipped, slapped around, and mocked.  He was stripped and dressed in  an elaborate king costume while they bowed to Him in a mocking way.  They pressed a crown of thorns into his head and beat Him over the head with sticks.  He was betrayed by His own disciple and had a murderer chosen over Him to live.  He prayed so hard that His drops of sweat turned into blood. 
Jesus hung from a cross that He was nailed upon for US.  He prayed to His Father to forgive the people who were cheering for His death.  He was beaten so badly that He would be unrecognizable to those that knew Him.  During this time, He cried out to His Father from the depths of His soul, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why have You abandoned me?" 
I could not even imagine the pain and suffering He went through.  I can not fathom seeing my own child going through the same thing.  Dripping blood, stabbed in the side and still continuing to be mocked and jeered at. He took His last breath. 
We are free of our sin because of Him.  All of the stupid things we do throughout each and every day are forgiven because of what He went through.  He now sits at the right hand of the Father, waiting for us to join Him.  At some point today, I hope every Christian can concentrate on what all He did for us.  Put yourself in His position and imagine yourself in pain and dying, feeling lost and alone.  He also dies feeling the burden of all of our sins.  Could you even think of bearing anyone else's sins?  We barely admit to our own.
Today is Earth Day as well and we all tend to forget who created the Earth we are blessed to have.  The beauty that exists on this planet is only due to our Creator. 

We are so blessed to have this Earth, so on this Earth Day think of how wonderful this place is!!  We should take care of this Earth because we are blessed enough to live here for now.

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